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It’s A Girl


Gateway - The Wine queen emporium
WQE Product - The Wine queen emporium

Complimentary Greeting Card

Enjoy a quality personalised printed greeting card complimentary with your luxury hamper purchase.

WQE Product - The Wine queen emporium

Gift Tracking Solutions

Peace of mind for all with our gift tracker. We ship Australia-Wide and International.

WQE Product - The Wine queen emporium

Beautiful Luxury Packaging

Our custom designed packaging from shipment solution to detailed luxury presentation box and ribbon is a lasting impression.


Showing 1–4 of 74 results

  • Whistlers Peppermint Crisp Dark Chocolate Bark Shards 120g - The Wine Queen Emporium
    Gourmet Food

    Whistlers Peppermint Crisp Dark Chocolate Bark Shards 120g

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  • salted caramel rock candy - The Wine Queen Emporium
    Gourmet Food

    Salted Caramel Rock Candy Ogilvie Confectionery 95g

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  • Valley Produce Co. Fruit Pyramid - The Wine queen emporium
    Gourmet Food

    Valley Produce Co. Fruit Pyramid Fig & Almond Paste

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  • Garlic Nibbles by Ogilvie - The Wine queen emporium
    Gourmet Food

    Garlic Nibbles by Ogilvie & Co 125g

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