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Steel and Antique Brass Shaker


Gateway - The Wine queen emporium

Shake it up with a cocktail shaker that dares to be different. With its unique circle design in steel and brass, this is one shaker that stands out from the others. Now the only question is, which delicious cocktail will you make first?

WQE Product - The Wine queen emporium

Complimentary Greeting Card

Enjoy a quality personalised printed greeting card complimentary with your luxury hamper purchase.

WQE Product - The Wine queen emporium

Gift Tracking Solutions

Peace of mind for all with our gift tracker. We ship Australia-Wide and International.

WQE Product - The Wine queen emporium

Beautiful Luxury Packaging

Our custom designed packaging from shipment solution to detailed luxury presentation box and ribbon is a lasting impression.


Showing 1–4 of 74 results

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